March 8, 2021
We are here to support you.
In office, online, or with a call, we are open and ready to assist you. The health and well being of our dedicated employees, customers and all who interact with our products and services is what matters most. We are closely following the evolution of the virus COVID-19. The rapidly evolving coronavirus situation is unsettling, and changing daily life as we know it.
Propane deliveries WILL continue.
Our drivers will respect the “social distancing” set out by the World Health Organization (WHO), and even go beyond these distances if/when possible. We ask that all customers please adhere to the social distancing mandate as well. Electronic invoicing is available, as well as several remote payment options. For more information please call our office or email [email protected] for more information and to get set up with our electronic/paperless services.
Our office is open, with restrictions.
We will remain open for normal business to receive phone calls, process delivery orders, process payments, and answer any questions you may have. We ask that you use the drop box, telephone or website/email to correspond with the office in regards to bill payments and delivery requests. Please do NOT visit us unless absolutely necessary.
Extra precautions in place for those requiring cylinder fills.
We remain open for the time being. We have limited customer accessibility by allowing one customer to enter the office at a time, with additional restrictions. We ask that you refrain from using cash. A credit/debit machine is available with tap, alongside hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes to be used after each transaction. We will continue to update on the situation and keep you informed should we be required to close the doors completely.
We will keep you informed.
If you are feeling ill, or have flue like symptoms, do NOT visit us! We would love to hear from you, but please, respect the social distancing, stay home if at all possible. We are proactively managing our supply of propane to ensure we may continue to supply our customers, promptly and safely. We hope you and your families are in good health and want to assure you that we at Dodsley Propane will do our very best to help you through this trying time. The lines of communication are open, and we will update you on the latest developments.
For more information, please visit the Government of Canada site listed below.
Yours Truly,
Derek Dodsley
President, Dodsley Propane